
The Assessment section in PayPeople’s Recruitment Module adds an additional layer to the recruitment process by enabling users to evaluate candidates or recruiters through standardized assessments. It streamlines the assessment process and provides valuable insights for making informed hiring decisions.


You can define assessment types, configure parameters, send assessments, review results, and use assessment data for decision-making. This feature enables standardized evaluation and enhances the selection process.


  • Go to Recruitment > Assessments 
  • By click Create a New button you can create two type of assessment  i.e Candidate Assessment and Interviewer Assessment




Candidate Assessment #


Candidate Assessment is the process of evaluating a candidate’s skills, experience, and qualifications to determine if they are a good fit for the job. This can be done through various methods such as resume screening, phone interviews, and in-person interviews. The goal of candidate assessment is to identify the most qualified candidates who have the potential to succeed in the role.


    • Enter Name for Assessment, type and other information according to your requirement.
    • Click save button.




Interviewer Assessment #


Interviewer Assessment, on the other hand, is the process of evaluating the interviewer’s performance during the interview. This includes assessing their ability to ask relevant questions, listen actively, and provide feedback to the candidate. The goal of interviewer assessment is to ensure that the interviewer is conducting a fair and effective interview that accurately assesses the candidate’s skills and qualifications.


  • Enter Name for Assessment, type and other information according to your requirement.
  • Click save button.





  • Once an assessment is done by the interviewer then it will start reflecting on the Admin screen.





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