Future-Proof Your Hiring with ATS

The talent landscape and job application methods are evolving. With our Applicant Tracking System in Pakistan, you can ensure future-proof hiring—attracting qualified candidates and facilitating their seamless onboarding.

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Organize Your Applicant Pool 

To match candidates to pertinent positions in your organization that may become available, develop your talent pool, and stay in touch with potential hires.

Project Time


Streamline Your Recruitment Process with PayPeople

Reviewing multiple resumes for a job posting can be tedious. PayPeople Recruitment Management Software in Pakistan simplifies the process by attracting the best candidates through precise job descriptions and objectives posted on popular job sites and social media platforms.

Project Time


Treat Every Hire as a Project: Optimize Your Recruitment Process

Managing and tracking candidate progress shouldn’t require intricate spreadsheets. Adopting a project management approach allows you to easily monitor your status and see how close you are to closing each position.


Quickly Assess Candidate Talent with Pre-Employment Tests

To ensure candidates are skilled and well-suited for the specific tasks in your company, administer pre-employment tests. Instantly review their test scores and qualifications to make quick, informed decisions on their suitability.

hiring and onboarding application tracking-TECH EVALUATION
hiring and onboarding application tracking-CARD OF SCORES


Scorecard for Making Better Hiring Decisions

Using a scorecard will help you quickly decide whether to advance a candidate to the next stage of the hiring process. Review test results on the scorecard and offer feedback on areas for potential improvement.


Maximize the Potential of Your Job Board

With Paypeople HR Software in Pakistan applicant tracking system, you can post your job openings to multiple websites and easily track incoming applications. Review your job postings to identify any gaps in your hiring process.

hiring and onboarding application tracking-CONTROL JOB BOARD
hiring and onboarding application tracking-Report Analysis


Insights to Keep You Awake and Alert

Leverage data and analytics to enhance your hiring decisions and strategies. Identify where most of your candidates are coming from at any given time. Analyze the performance of your job ads and create a strong plan to optimize your hiring process using the ATS system.


Streamline Your Interview Scheduling Process

Interviews are crucial for both you and your candidate. Simplify the interview scheduling process and provide a note to help the candidate prepare in advance for the meeting.

hiring and onboarding application tracking-SCHEDULE OF INTERVIEWS