Employee Income Reports

Bank Transaction #


Employee Income Reports are reports that provide a summary of an employee’s income over a given period, typically a month or a year. Employee Income Reports typically include the following information: Employee name, ID, BankName, BankName, A/C, Pay Date, and Net Salary,


  • Click on Bank Transaction.




  • Apply all the filters according to Your Required Data.
  • Click on View Report.




  • You can also Export your Report in Excel and PDF Format.



 Pay Slip #


The Pay Slip Report is an important document for employees as it provides a clear and detailed view of their earnings and deductions. A Pay Slip Report is a document that provides a detailed breakdown of an employee’s pay for a given pay period.


  • Click on the Payslip.




  • Apply all the filters according to Your Required Data.
  • Click on View Report.




  • You can also Export your Report in Excel and PDF Format.



Employee Income Tax Summary #


An Employee Income Tax Summary Report is a document that summarizes an employee’s tax withholdings over a given period, typically a year. The Employee Income Tax Summary Report typically includes the following information: EmployeeID, Name, Taxable Salary, and Tax.


  • Click on the Employee Income Tax Summary.




  • Apply all the filters according to Your Required Data.
  • Click on View Report.




  • You can also Export your Report in Excel and PDF Format.



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